Friday, February 7

Month: October 2021

What is the Fanfare About Vapes?

What is the Fanfare About Vapes?

What is an Electronic Cigar? An electronic cigar is essentially an electronic device which simulates cigar smoking. It typically features an Atomizer, a rechargeable power source like a cell phone battery, and a tank or reservoir for holding the liquid. Rather than tobacco, the smoker inhales only vapor. What is a Vape Bundle? Some vaporizers are "bundle" type, which means that one can purchase a starter kit and then add on additional units as needed. The batteries in most such devices are rechargeable, though they may also be disposable. A popular type of e-Cigarette is called a cartoony device, which means that it looks like a cigar. Some even include a realistic flame effect and musical effects. There are also battery-operated devices, called gumball pens, which look very much ...